The Wondermnt
Women Owned

Set in Austin, Jemmie Hendricks works as an assistant at the Boore Agency, a mid-tier agency stuck in the shadow of its glory days. With only one huge brand left as its main bread-and-butter client – upper management is on edge. She quickly meets “Smells”, a former J Crew model whose Big City meltdown landed him back home in Knoxville and as Jemmie’s new best friend.

Jemmie, like most young assistants, is overworked, underpaid, and overlooked – oh, yeah her boss, Kat Rosenfeld, keeps taking all the credit for Jemmie’s ideas.

In order to keep her sanity, Jemmie goes back to what she knows – art – and draws her frustrations in her notebook where she is transported into an alt universe, where a beer-brawling, redneck-tongued venus flytrap family speak Jemmie’s mind. And in this world, Jemmie’s the boss.